Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Where's Lee?

One of the most remarkable thing about us University students, is our ability to confuse matters, and work on a completely different time zone. We had a lecture at 1, in a certain room. One student (the 'gadge-miester' as one of our lecturers refered to him) went to the wrong room. When he arrived, and was asked how 'S9' (the wrong room) was, he replied gloomily, 'a long way away.'

But better still, at around two o'clock, after we were into the lecture properly, and we had all forgotten about wondering where Lee was, Lee walked in quite merrily. After cheerfully greeting the lecturers, he made his way to the back, and then stopped in mid-stride, realising something was off. The entire class was staring at him, and the lecturers waiting for some sort of reaction. To be so late, and offer such a small apology, Coley would have to make some comment.

Looking around cautiously, and detecting something was up, he asked 'have I missed something?' After a ripple of laughter, and told what time the lecture actually started, a Vikky Pollard-esk (from Little Britain fame) 'What?' was heard, followed by even more laughter.

After being an hour late (which was kind of understandable, as last week's was at 2), you'd think it couldn't get any worse. But that was when Coley made yet another comment 'So if you thought you had to be here at 2, you're still 5 minutes late. It's 5 past.' What a pillock. As my friends in America would say - EPIC FAIL!

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