Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Something more interesting (and a trip to the zoo)

More interesting, you say. You also want another mention. Well you're just not going to get it.

Firstly, a bit of scandle at University. One of my friends (Holly, I gave you a name mention) is a warden of one of the halls of residence. We have lunch together on Wednesday's, and I meet many of her residents. As Holly is the warden, all problems get reported to her. One of her residents came in, looking a little embarresed. 'My bed is broken' she said. Before all of your filthy minds race (as mine did), she explained that it's been dodgy since she moved in, and that as she sat down on it, one of the legs finally broke. To complete the scandle, her boyfriend, one of Holly's housemates, and also a presenter of Top Gear (he's a lot taller in real life), came in later, and admitted that the bed had 'definately got worse'.

I also went to a zoo this evening. I have been told that the last time I attended a meeting, my comments on this blog may have been rather... close to the knuckle. Well, it was a public meeting. But my trip to the zoo wasn't. So I can't make any amusing comments about how all the animals were fighting with each other. Apparently, some of the animals have been fighting the same arguments for years. I thought Darwin's theory of evolution said that one would finally come out on top, and survive, but many of these animals were old. In fact, maybe it's less of a zoo, and more Jarassic Park?

Anyway, the zoo keeper stopped many of the fights, and I only spent a short time there. It would have finished earlier, but I opened a can of worms to add to the zoo, and the zoo keeper had to have a severe talk. Unfortunatly, it was to one of my more favourite animals (and I am fond of several of them). There was also quite a vicious attack from one of the slothes (it's amazing what energy they can find, and how much trouble they can cause), and several of us did do our best to defend the victim from the attack. I just have to wonder what animal I will turn into, if I keep going to the zoo?

I think I coped with that well, and hopefully been entertaining as well. If you'd like to complain, please send your complaint in full to the BBC (they're getting quite good at receiving complaints...).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BBBBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHH! Thats the sound it makes when i blow a raspberry at you.