Thursday, January 22, 2009

Try and explain this!

Today has been yet another bad day, in what is turning out to be a bad week. Yesterday, Ernie's electrical system completely failed. Nothing was working. Then I had to work in the evening, worrying about Ernie. Then, to finish it all off, last night, I nearly upset someone I care about. Today, in the p*ssing rain, I had to go to the funeral of one of my fellow Lions members. I hate funerals in the rain. I especially hate it when I have to attend the funeral looking bedragled like a drowned rat, because I had to go on the bike. Still could be worse. At least Eric (my bike) is still running...

Woops spoke to soon. On the way home, I had to fill Eric up with petrol, and it appears that my battery has completely died. So, despite owning two vehicles, I don't actually own one that works!

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. As you know, Ernie's electrical systems were completely dead - nothing worked. But I sat in him today, just hoping and praying, everything was working! How is that possible? I haven't done anything to him, he has just started to repair himself! Obviously things are still not right. The ignition system won't work (other than to make an ugly clicking noise), and I'm pretty sure the rev counter shouldn't read 8000 when the main beam lights are switched on.

I have no idea what has happenned, but at least there is some sign of life! Thank you to those of you who have been praying for him. Also, thanks to Bill Vincent, who has said that Ernie's heart may be broken, as he might have fallen in love with 'beautiful Renault', or a 'silky Peugeot'. I needed a laugh, thanks Bill.

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