Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh, the savage wheels of fate...

As you will all know by this point, Ernie is far from well (more news on that in a mo), and now my bike is playing up. I realised that my bike wasn't starting, although I still had lights. I was having to jump start the bike all the time. It could have been two problems: for about £30, a daed battery; for over £100 the charging system was knackered. Well, on my way to NTC on Friday, I found out. Was it the cheap battery problem. Of course not, otherwise the engine running would have kept the lights on, instead of them dying two roundabouts after leaving my house.

Further to this run of bad luck, I was supposed to be meeting someone after NTC. Although it was much worse for her I'm sure, it was my luck that caused it no doubt. She was involved in a car crash, and had spent most the day in A&E with whiplash. Splendid. We arranged to meet the following night, but her friends (who she was babysitting for) were two hours late back, sinking that plan (no doubt they had also had some kind of crash, or flat tyre or something unlucky). What did I do to deserve all of this bad luck to come to my friends and I? Answers on a postcard please...

ERNIE UPDATE: After several hours under the bonnet, I can confirm that I have restored main power, and all electrical systems are go! Don't get your hopes though, because there is still an underlying ignition problem, and I haven't been able to start him in two days! Even with a bump start.

I told the garage to expect casualties, and explained the problem. I've checked all that Mr. Haynes Manual (I think he's Spanish) and I can think of, but no joy. W. Jones (the Gods of garages) asked when they could see Ernie, and I replied 'Yes, when I can get hims started, and over to you!'. So keep praying everyone, we need it now more than ever!

Perhaps the spark has gone from our relationship... (sorry, an engineering pun to finish on there)

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