Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Normal service will now resume

Hello all. Just when you thought that you had got rid of me for good, I resurface like a bad smell, or that embarressing rash you got from an old wetsuit...

I have been a bit quiet of late, as I have had a metric sh*t ton of University work. 2500 words of the worst module on the face of the planet (Water Based Research), a 700 word poster of the worst subject of all time (Physiology - sorry JK, it's just not my thing), and 2800 words for Environments (despite being a pretty dull topic, this was my favourit module of the semester!!). So with that in mind, I hope you'kll appreciate that I didn't really feel like writing anything else.

Anyways, the horrors of water based research are now a dull and distant memory, and I have forgotten all that I had written on the physiology poster (thank god I wasn't asked any probing questions...). Many an amusing thing has happenned over the past few weeks, but I can't remember any of them. So you'll just have to settle for a quick message today.

The last time we did a poster presentation, I dressed uber-smartly in my best (and only) pin-stripe suit, and looked the business. No on else bothered with their attire, so I looked like a bit of a fruit. Today we had another poster presentation,a nd everyone else had dressed really smartly - we all really looked great. Well, I say we... I actually thought they were joking, so didn't make the effort. There were suits wondering about, and very smart looking people indeed.

I on the other hand went a little more casual. Suade jacket, and a cowboy hat. I was asked of I had recently discovered oil, or of I now owned a major leage US football team. It turns out, I just wasn't able to attend Wild West night at the bar on Monday, and I didn't want to miss out!!!

So once again, I ended up looking like a loon - but at least this time it was on purpose.

PS - Yeehaw!

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