Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Y'all came through, shame I haven't!

I know, I know, you've left some comments, but writing this dribble takes time. I really am trying to find a spare hour somewhere, but looking after 54 Scouts is way more busy than it sounds. Especially when you don't recognise any of them. It's even more difficult being a British bloke amongst this rabble. Take this evening's 'Tether Ball Battle Royale'. Ever heard of tether ball? Nope, me neither, but I played. Played and lost every game - but I looked glamorous doing it. What was it my sailing instructor said - the elephant is a graceful bird...

Then there was the irony of me telling off American Scouts for messing around at a flag ceremony - when it's the damned American flag! Hello, I can stand still for two minutes, and it's not even my flag!!! Well, I managed to find a few minutes here to scribble something. But I'm afraid, as amazing a Scoutmaster as I maybe (even the boss almost complimented me today) I still have to sleep (and be up in time to wake people up for early morning swim - yippee!). So on that note, I will bid thee goodnight, and pleasant dreams (and as I tell the Scouts, don't let the bed monster get ya!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How you liking it over there mate?

Do a good old number on the little sods that don't behave give them a whack Sussex style.