Monday, August 11, 2008

Where's the post?

Well, no-one has left any comments in the last two weeks (although someone did last week on FaceBook - thanks Charlotte). Until this is rectified, I won't be posting anything. And it has absolutly nothing to do with the fact that I am the Scoutmaster of Ockanickon Troop 1, with 54 boys, and exceptionally busy chasing around after the kids to do stuff.

On a side note, and because it is so cool, I went to Washington DC this weekend which was amazing. I stood next to a Space Shuttle! (it was the Enterprise too...)


struddy said...


Can't have you depriving your readers of a post on the flimsy excuse of no comments so here you are. Pointless like much of my output but what can I say.

On a serious note good to hear you catching up with the guys from T29. Chris accidental, I think sent me the invite to the picnic but when I suggested it was a longway for a picnic I was called 'candy arsed' and told the swim would be good for me. Oh Well

Have fun

Anonymous said...

Now will you write something?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if you spoke of things more interesting like clocks more people would actually make it to the bottom of your posts before falling asleep!!