Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'd like to introduce you to...

Once again, I find myself cramming in another blog post, after an evening of beaver-like effort on some NTC work. For the last 6 hours, I have been solidly and furiously laptopping away. But hey-ho, the Corps' brand new E-mail system now works (I hope). Only a few more nights of boring myself to tears, and the website will be up and running. What an exciting person I am...

Only a short post this week. On the one hand, I apologise for a short post (but I need to sleep somewhen, and I have work in the morining). In the other hand, you'll all be able to get back to something more worth while a bit quicker.

Before I go any further, I think I need to apologise. Someone text me on Monday evening, and I think they were offended, and felt that I had not enjoyed an evening out. I don't know who it was, and I thought I had replied. But they haven't replied to me - guess I've annoyed someone else.

On Monday evening, I met up with Michael, for some casual post-birthday drinks. Whilst we were out, Michael asked me if I had read my blog lately. Well I right the flippin' thing, so I don't think that there's a need for me to read it. The observant readers amongst you will have seen a special meassage put up by my best friend, on my Birthday. Thanks Michael, I think...

You avid FaceBookers out there may have noticed something very unusal this week. I updated my status twice. This is because I've had two exciting events. On Thursday night, I was officially promoted to the rank of Commander in the Nautical Training Corps, as part of my new position of Adventure Activities Director. Now I know that sound really exciting, but at the moment, it just involves me writing regulations, and streamlining paperwork - very adventurous...

Having said that, National Council meetings are always a laugh. Quite how an organisation can keep running with a group of people like that falling asleep, and ignoring each other, I don't know. On the bright side, there are some useful people on National Council (long may they stay).

Saturday night was TS Intrepid NTC's first awards evenining in five years. It was so long ago that we last had an awards night, I won a trophy! The evening went off without a hitch, and I'm glad that we had it planned to a fine art... not. But no one noticed, and it was an enjoyable evening. I think a highlight may have been when I did a little performance. But there have been threats of putting it on YouTube, so we'll wait and see.

Finally, and most excitingly of all, is the result of last week's blog. You may remember that I said I was buying a second vehicle - and what a vehicle. 44 break horse power, 447cc, 6-speed gear box, and standing quater mile in less than 5 seconds. All sounds pretty tasty. And it is! I am now the very proud owner of one classic 1986 Ford Escort 1.4 GL, and a classic 1989 Honda CB450 DX!

[I'd love to show you a photo of my new bike, but my sodding phone doesn't want to let me - ARGHH!]

I usually use aliteration when I name my vehicles (where both words start with the same letters), but an exception has been made for my brand new bike (well sort of). One of my favourite comedy duos is Morcombe and Wise, or otherwise known as Eric and Ernie. So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, may I present to you, Eric Morcombe, the Motorbike. I've ridden him about today, and I have to say, I was nervous about it. I haven't ridden a bike in over two years, and Eric is much larger than my old Hongdou was. But what can I say - just like riding a bike really (well, duh, it is a bike).

Some of my older readers may remember an old TV show called 'CHiPs'. At home (bearing in mind Mum and Dad both ride bikes too), we're thinking that Eric definatly has a CHiPs flavour to him... And may I also say that, despite being 19 years old, he is incredibly quick. Dad drove him home for me, whilst I followed in Ernie. With Ernie's accelerator ground into the floor, I just couldn't keep up! It's also exceptionally quick from standing - exceptionally.

Finally, before I crawl into bed, this bike doesn't have very large handle for passengers to hold onto. So, I'm thinking, when I choose to transport a beautiful lady on my bike (or can I call it my chopper...?), she'll have to hold onto me... (he said with childish, teenage nod).

If you are thinking of some childish comment that insults my 'classic' vehicles, that somehow relates to them being a comedy duo, why not leave a comment (on someone else's blog that cares...).

If you are an attractive lady, and would like a ride on my chopper, why not leave a comment... Well, it's got to be a worth a try!

Quote of the week: 'So, will the Safety Regulations change?' asked one very old Regional Commander at the National Council meeting, just after I've spent 20 minutes explaining how I need and want to change the Safety Regulations...

Song of the Month: Take Her Back. Pidgeon Detectives.


struddy said...

Take heart Andy. At least they had realised that you were talking about Safety Regs. You managed to get some of the point across, more than some people do. Sometimes it is fun to slip in really outrageous statements and watch the faces to see if anyone even notices

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy, I wouldn't mind a ride on ur chopper!! :p when r ya next free?! xxx