Monday, January 29, 2007

Someone please unlock the door and let me out!

Still here

Not much to report. Conjunctivitis was confirmed by nursey earlier today, now have prescription for eye drops and am really looking forward to a few days of scraping the gunk off my eyelids (and anyone who's suffered from it should know what I mean).

So whilst I am bored silly at work, thought I'd highlight a few things... if you missed Top Gear last night... then WHY???? Anyway, you can see the Hamster's jetcar crash here , click on the link on the right hand side.

And finally, I'm no expert, but I think mother needs to watch what she eats during pregnancy, those spinach tablets had an effect on Junior:

Come back Andy Clarke, all is forgiven (he makes this stuff look easy!).


Andy Clarke said...

I know 28 people that didn't see Top gear on Sunday. Fortunatly my Mum videoed it, so we are all having a big Adventure Education viewing on Monday!

Just two days until I return to the country. So far, I have 175 photos!

Ian said...

175 photos of what exactly? girls and skimpy bikinis?

If so, then please distribute accordingly!