Well, I promised Andy that I would keep the blog updated until he manages to get him self settled down with the kids and Dracula in Pensylvania.... or was it Transylvania?
I am slipping up already in that I have some how managed to dispose of my yesterdays blog so my apologies readers and, here we go! lol.
Well, this week obviously Andy jetted off to America and seeing as I haven't heard otherwise I can assume that he is alive and well on the other side of 'the pond'.
Completely unlike Andy, he is without Canoe/Kayak or Canayak and his beloved Ernie, which I may have to go and take a random picture of in true Andy style..... The evening before he left we decided that it could be a laugh to update you as to a week in my life...
I will be honest with you now, it has not been all that intresting, sorry! Like many students, I am currently revising for my exams, in fact my last one is tomorrow. I am a good-for-nothing (Dyspraxic and slightly dyslexic - in case you haven't guessed) Media Student at Sussex Uni and much like Andy work in retail to pay for all the little things...
So, this week has been full of really exciting revision.....'Socialising.... and much not revising... in honesty it has been more full of not revising then revising and alcamahol to boot. Either way I get bored rather easily it seems and, fed up with sitting indoors I have taken to taking my trusty car, (also a Ford, (incidentally Andy never USED to like fords :O) to either the beach or up Mill Hill, a local beauty spot (some say 'dogging spot'...allegedly) and well, hill that overlooks most of Shoreham, Lancing and Worthing.... Next time I am up there I will wave, so wave back...
I also have the pleasure of working at both B&Q and Comet in the glorious Teville gate and have to say I have not been knifed at either which is a pure miricle. What I do get however is my fair share of nutters. I work B&Q at 6am on a Wednesday morning. Wednesday is 'Diamond Discount Day' being that over 60's get a whole 10% off their shopping. Come 7am when the doors open we are awash with customers who wait to save 10p on a packet of screws and like to cue and complain about the wait...
This wednesday saw a whole host of customers who wanted to tell me about their children, their bunions, hardware stores of old, incontenance.... It's great. Really. 15 mins later you have to tear yourself away. This week, one of my senior and more grumpy colleagues came up with a great plan. This being wearing a label saying 'Sorry, not speaking the english' seems to work rather well, I may try it.
I also work for Comet Teville Gate... It's not really as bad as they say, but the incident book is always good for a laugh. highlights include paintball and smoke grenades, someone pushing a freezer off the roof and hitting a granny and more attempted suicides than you can shake a stick at (it's not tall enough, people just shatter their legs). It is also the grounds of special types of nutters. This week for example, a customer who came in to rant about a stuck key on his laptop, said he was from trading standards, handed over his phone number and instructed us not to call it as Des Lynam (i kid you not) doesn't like answering the phone.
When he returned a week later, he told us he was a police officer and gave us two new numbers which it would be okay for us to ring. When the manager asked whether Des would be okay with us ringing he replied 'Yes, it's okay he's gone now'. And started trying to stop people buying laptops.
Oh retail, run by students abused by everybody.
A weeks blog would not be complete without a photo of a car in there somewhere, so outside Teville Gate Comet, on the right of the picture is 'The Lady' my "I know lets be poor for my entire student life" Ernie.
With any luck, normal service will resume next week with Andy back at the helm and you won't have to listen to my drivel. If you liked this post why not leave a comment? If you didn't, why not leave a comment? If you work in retail, again let me know! Leave a comment! (If you don't like me using so many brackets.... leave a comment)
And if you happen to think Des Lynam is living with you, For goodness sake PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!
I leave you with this: Andrew Clarke, Dominic Wales and Michael Gates starring in: Yummy yummy yummy yum yum, don't take me from the resturant, an Ernie based musical. I can't sing for toffee.
Partario Basin. Out.
Still can't see Andrew
Mmmm pics are a bit big but oh well....
Keep an eye open. CATCOUK returns...
Something wicked this way comes and all that...
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