It's alright, there's no problems. Calm down! Catastrophe was the only word that I could think of that had CAT in it.As you may have sussed by now, this week's Blog is all about a cat! Now although I'd love to rant on about my cat Monty (aka The Montinator, Monster, Keg on Legs) weighing in at 17 pounds (heavy cat), I wish to regail the story of my experience with the Lucky Chinese Cat!
Monty, The Montinator, Monster, the Monta-cat, the Monte-cat, Proffessoray, Keg-on-Legs, You-fat-git, or you-little-sod-if-I-catch-you-doing-that-again.... My cat Monty, the cat with a thousand names (and no he's not a spy)
Once upon a time, in a land far far away... YEAH RIGHT!
Last year I was attending an Officer's course with the NTC (TS Intrepid), and I was just about to keel over and die of bordom when someone said it was LUNCH!! We made our way down the highstreet in Wick, Littlehampton to the Fish and Chip shop (The Wick Fryer). Unknown to me, it was run by a couple of Chinese people. When I walked in there, they had a Lucky Cat on the shelf behind (the one with the moving paw). I love cats, but I had never seen one of these in my life.
I was AMAZED. I absolutly feel about the place laughing, it was so great. I'm sure I embarresed my fellow ofiicer's and friends, and god only knows what the shop people thought! Anyways, ever since, I have always been amazed by this cat. I just love it (sad or what). It has become something of a fixation - when I was forced into a Night Club, I used the same hand motion as a special dance floor move - oh yes I'm cool! (Does sarcasm work on a Blog? Leave a comment and let me know)
My pussy banging (or that's what it looks like he's doing - on a door)
So, Mum and Dad went away for an night to visit Canterbury, Margate and Hastings. While Mumwas away she actually found one of these cats, and she just had to buy it for me! I'm sure you can imagine my response - it currently sits on a shelf above my TV, and I still chuckle everytime I look up and see him. He has to go off at night however, as he squeeks, and I can't sleep!
Thought my blog was short this week? WRONG! Of course I have something else to say...
As has become a bit of a fad at the moment, Scott, Rob and I (some friends) went to the Cinema (in the last couple of weeks we've seen Superman, Miami Vice, and last night - Pirates of the Carribean). Anyway, on this trip, we invented a new game to play in the car! The cinema we use in Brighton Marina has an upside down Multi-storey car park (you enter it from the top). The cinema (and just about everything else) is at the bottom. The aim therefore has to be to get as low to the bottom as possible. How low can you go? CAR PARK LIMBO!
That's right, play car park limbo! How low down in the car park can you get, before you run out of spaces. For every level you go down, you get a point! If you go too low, and there are no more spaces left, you loose. I saw a space on the 4th floor, and decided to keep going. We got all the way down (1st), and there were no spaces (except for Disabled Parking - no cheating allowed!). We dashed back to 4th (using my Starsky & Hutch driving skills) to find the space full. Damn. YOU LOOSE!
But it's alright, we could play again, as the car park has two sides! 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd - space! There is no point going to 1st, as it's ALL disabled parking!
But here at CATCOUK, I feel it's my civic duty to provide you with film reviews: Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest. Good film, though went on a bit (2hr 30m). Really enjoyed the first one, but this one took a bit too much time to get started. (Rob had told us there was an extra special scene at the end of the credits about the third film - so we waited through all 10 minutes of credits. There was - 8 seconds. Rob rode home on the roof rack. Stay around to see, it does exist, it just has absolutly nothing to do with the third movie).
Remember that Superman Returns got a rating of 3 Escorts out of 5. What will Pirates of the Carribean score?
3 Escorts out of 5. Great film, really enjoyed it, but far far far too loooooooooooooooong!
Lastly, you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. A friend of mine: (mentioned a few weeks ago, the stunningly gorgeous) Holly likes this little ol' blog of mine, and says that she is adding a link onto her website. So in return, I'll fully recommend visiting the Chichester Cheetas website (Cheerleaders of our University: University of Chichester) at Cheers Holz.
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If you hate my Blog, why not add a link to your website, and share how crap it is with all your friends? If you hate my guts - leave a comment (and I'll get back to you).