Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 Reasons not to by a GPS

Firstly, here are some reasons not to buy a GPS system for your car. Ever.

1. It takes time to set up.
2. The suction thing will be forever falling off the windscreen (which could become boring).
3. To get the suction thing to work properly, you have to be sitting in the passenger seat, with your seatbelt off, and proped up against the windscreen (which, and I'm not certain about this, is slightly illegal whilst the car is moving, not to mention inconvenient).
4. The damned thing will be constantly interrupting you, regardless of whether you are having a conversation or not.
5. The system's voice isn't exactly subtle, or quiet.
6. It get's confused, which causes the driver to be confused, which confuses other road users. Confused? The GPS certainly is.
7. It takes up valuable dashboard space that is much better used for a police light.
8. When you buy one, it's a statement to the world that you don't know how to use a map, what one looks like, or even what one is. This isn't a problem if you are a female.
9. On average, they can cost 20 times more than a map.
10. It's much easier to grow some testicles and use a friggin' map!

Ahh, and relax. I suppose that I should explain where that rant comes from, but first...

I am a qualified Archery Instructor. That's right boys and girls, the little boys and girl chavs of Lancing will soon be able to start harrasing with another weapon... I really did enjoy the course, and the instructor was great. But you may remember that last week I felt that one guy on the course was a bit off. I never have to see this arrogant git again, so I don't care if he reads this or not. No one I spoke to like him, and he really was a pain in the arse. Thank God I was paired with him for assesment. But then again, he is a Scout. Shame really, because the other Scout on the course, Andy, was a really great chap.

After the assesment, I helped a friend out. I kind of have to be careful what I say here, because you never know who reads this. Which is kind of a pain, as the whole of this post is based on that, and I have just thought that I might get my friend into trouble with his Mum. Balls.

And on that bombshell, and a post that really wasn't worth waiting for, I'm going to curl up under a rock and commit suicide, for such a poor post. Partario - what do you think, can I disclose safely?

If you want to register a complaint, why not leave a comment, where I really won't give a flying monkey.

If you don't want to register a complaint, you obviously didn't read this poor post properly. LOOK AT IT, it's barely 3 words! Just stop wasting all our time Andy. Do it properly or not at all!

Quote of the Week: 'Your cock's wrong' said an archery instructor last year, trying to point out to a man built like a brick sh*t house that his arrows was on the wrong way 'round, thus his cock fletch was the wrong way on the bow. Ammusing out of context...

Song of the Month: Anything by Anyone. God I wish my car radio was working. Although when I say anyone, not James Blunt. Or Cliff Richard. Or that guy with elbow pads and a Land Rover...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To say there was an element of truth about the GPS comments would be a lie. There is ALOT of truth in that lol

Not sure if its just me being dense, but not sure on the disclosure bit?

Did you know if you type in Ford XR Badge into google, it comes up with a picture of me revising and a link to your blog random.

Andy, crawling under a rock and commiting suicide, is not a good idea, advisable or easy. Don't do it. Thank you for accompanying me in my quest to join the Escort Fraternity
