Monday, April 03, 2006

Do I have to...

Hello, my name is Andy Clarke.

I'm 19 years old, and live in Sussex, England. A friend of mine started a Blog, and asked me to make a comment. The only way of doing that was to sign up for my own Blog! If you reading this, I apologise, I don't write diaries. But I'll probably carry on writing this so I can make my sarcastic comments on the day, and I don't have enough to do anyway (sarcasm doesn't travel well in writing!)

Please visit and support my NTC (Nautical Training Corps) unit: TS Intrepid NTC!

Training Ship Intrepid, 14th Division of the Nautical Training Corps

1 comment:

Ian said...

Looks very nice Andy.

Look forward to reading your sarcastic comments over the coming months (as long as they don't refer to me, naturally!)

Cheers fella
