Thursday, February 12, 2009

15 minutes of fame

As some bloke said, everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame. It would appear that I'm getting mine now. I've been blogging for nearly three years, and in that time I have produced many videos, and other bits of 'entertainment'. But never has a project prooved so popular!

Since it's release, 'Wish You Were Here (Instead of Me)' has grossed $0 internationaly at the box-office, but it has had 75 views on YouTube, and a raft of very positive comments on FaceBook. One of my friends (Maz) has E-mailed the first part to Top Gear, feeling that the video warrented their attention. I'm not expecting to hear anything back, but it was nice jesture...

Another friend (Hannah) E-mail the link to everyone in the Adventure Education address book. Unfortunatly, that also meant the Uni's teaching staff. Bugger. I guess I can count on a fail for that module then... Having said that, apparently, on lecturer, Hodgo) thought it was 'hillarios'.

But all of this publicity started when Holly made a big deal of it on FaceBook, and ordered all Ad Ed's to watch. I guess that means I should credir Holly as part of the PR department as well...

With the huge success of the series (so far), I have completed a DVD. I don't really know why I put so much effort into it, but I think it looks awesome. I had an 'advance preview' at Uni in the library, and part 2 (and the DVD) was well received. Unbelievable. It was just something I threw together...

Thank you to everyone who has made a comment. All have and will be read, and are greatly appreciated...

1 comment:

MRG said...

Mr. Clarke,

It has to be said that the dvd and the whole Infotainment/documentary is superb It had me and Amz hooked from start to finish. Awesome stuff!