Monday, February 09, 2009

The answers to all of your FaceBook questions...

If you haven't got FaceBook, you won't know that some amazing changes have taken place in the last few days of my life. It all started when I de-listed myself as single last week, and the questions and comments came flying in. So in the past few days, I have been listed as:

Andrew is in an open relationship with Miss Terry Woman [mystery woman... geddit?]

Andrew is listed as engaged. (Yeah, I'm on the phone, sorry)

Andrew is married... to the NTC and possible Ernie the Escort.

Andrew is no longer listed as married.

Andrew could be expecting a little Clarke.

Well, the answer is this - hopefully many people are reading this, and as such will now know that the first part of my new video is out: I Wish You Were Here (instead of me), Part 1: Wheels of Anger! This is the story of a boy from Lancing, and his amazing 1986 Ford Escort going to Grnoble, 700 miles away! Have a look at it, you know you want to.

If you can't see the video, follow this link:

Part 2: Even Angrier Skis of Fury will be out next week (and I think it's 200% better than part 1).

That didn't answer any questions, but it did plug this great new video(Am I the father to an expected bastard love child from a very short marriage or an open relationship with Miss Woman?)


Anonymous said...

Andy, that video is absolutely amazing! Although why did you include me smoking in it?! I wanted to show that to my father!!!! I am eagerly awaiting part 2! By the way that video actually made me laugh out loud! not just an LOL!

Bring on part 2! xx

Anonymous said...
