Monday, January 29, 2007

What am I doing here?!

Apologies about the delay from the standard publishing time of Sunday evening, but I was far too busy watching Top Gear (8 escorts out of five, by the way) and plucking my own nostril hairs to sit down in front of a computer.

Actually I lie, whilst I did watch Top Gear I had actually forgotten Andy's sign in details for his blog account, and my (newer version) of blogger didn't want to accept Andy's invitation to join Catcouk, so I was a bit stuffed really.

Whether or not I spent time plucking my own nostril hairs I shall leave to your imagination.

Well, so here I am, in the strange world of Andy Clarke.

Scary place this, you wouldn't want to come here too often. It's like the slightly strange Uncle that you only see twice a year, and who usually sits in the corner, occasionally making brief unremarkable conversation with various family members who pluck up the courage to approach him.

But anyhow, I digress. I have to say that Michael's story was superb last week, makes me wish I had gone first (Mr Tyler). Also, I was on an Archery Instructors Course for all of last weekend, and could have entertained everyone with the various stories and tales emanating from that (including one of the girl's asking us why we we didn't like her strap on.....), but sadly not only do I have to have to think of something to write about after having a very quiet (and pleasant) weekend to myself doing very little, but I also have to try and reach the new levels of high quality writing set by Michael.

I fear I am doomed before I begin. Come back Mr Clarke, all is forgiven!

I think I shall have to resort to desperate measures (whilst avoiding videos of myself for fear of humiliation, Mr Clarke), and write again later, when something actually mildly exciting happens. Considering that i am at work (software company, yawn!), I think it may only get as exciting as my doctors appointment for possible bacterial conjunctivitis , it may not get exciting anytime soon..... Stay tuned (if you're that desperate)


1 comment:

MRG said...

Why thank you sir. You are right it is strangely disturbing here... Its like I am inside Andrews mind and all I can see is someone slumped in a corner throwing balls against the wall... And their are beans.. BAKED BEANS DAMMIT....

We have the potential to run amock her you and I, ruling the blog...father and son... actually thats not right is it....? Congrats on a great post and I hope your eyes clear up soon.

Toodle Pip.
