Sunday, January 07, 2007

We've hit a rocky patch

Hello once again. You join me at the end of a very long week. With very little to do (no University, no NTC, and [ha ha] no overtime at Sainsbury's) I have been sitting at home twiddling my thumbs. Of course there is plenty of overtime going at Sainsbury's, but my response to that the last time I was asked was: 'Actually, I'd rather you drilled an extra hole in my head with a blunt drill...'. I've said it before, and I will say it again, Sainsbury's drives me flammin' BONKERS!

So anyway, all week I have been destroying my mind by dusting off my playstation, and playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (probably inspired by Rob and Alice's Sega last weekend). Although I'm not a fan of all of the law breaking going on, I never fail to be impressed by the amount of work that must have gone on to produce the game. Three cities, stunning countryside views, and so much going on. But I digress...

This week, not having much to talk about other than how much I hate being a checkout operator, and the amazing excitement of a playstation 2, I pulled this out of my reserve draw. A few weeks back, you may remember I visited Rob in his Penthouse (for the first time). On our jaunt out on Sunday, we saw a large set of steps leading up through Crystal Palace Park. And that shouted only one thing to me.


It's especially good timing, as the New Rocky Barboa film is in the process of being released around about now. I know nothing about Rocky (having never seen any of the movies - they make me feel fat, I mean fatter), but the one thing I have picked up (other than the fact that Rocly is a boxer), is that he ran up some steps. So this is my take on it.

You can see my Rocky video on my Bebo:

Also, in my efforts to keep this an entertaining blog, I also did some entertainment work. I recently purchased the new 'Dukes of Hazzard' movie on DVD, for the pricely sum of £3.35 (okay so working for Sainsbury's does have some advantages). Anyways, I liked the old shows (yes another old TV show that I enjoy), and I was ready for a disappoinment (like Starsky & Hutch). Yet I was amazed. What a great movie, what a great car, and yes, what a great looking woman!

But the all important rating that everyone wants to know. Forget Jonathen Ross, or other film reviews, it's the all important CATCOUK Escort scale:

The 'New' Dukes of Hazzard movies scores (imagine a drum roll if you please)...

4.5 Escorts out of 5!
A great movie, and must see for any fans of the old show, and fans of cars, and any fans of women. I would say that this movie is a grown up version of the TV show - definatly not one to show the kids.

That's all folks. See you next week!

If you think that I'm weird for liking old TV shows, why not leave a comment starting your message with the word 'geek'.

If you liked my Rocky film, why not leave a comment starting your message with the word 'idiot'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, you're a legend!

I'm off to get some sleep now

Nights dude!