Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've been a bad monkey

It wasn't all my fault, but I admit to being in a somewhat hilarious mood yesterday evening. I may have contributed to the most farcical regional meeting I have ever attended. It took twenty minutes for Stuart (the usual primary cause of farce) to give his unit report. This was mainly caused by us laughing over me reporting that someone we know may have developed narcolepsy (where the person falls asleep at random). I know that we are both going to hell for it, and it is far less funny for those afflicated with this problem. Sorry nacoleptic people.

After that, the evening didn't get much better. I received a text from the bandmaster saying that no-one had left her a key, so she, and the rest of the band were all locked out. My CO and I dodn't find that very funny (all I could think was 'Oh bu*ger'), but everyone else did. Sorry Tyler.

The meeting was finally destroyed when I got the third and final CO, and my good friend, Graham in creases when I commented on the raffle ticket design for Founder's Day. He had written some spoof prizes, but I looked at the top prize and was just reminded of that old gameshow, Bullseye (you know, Jim Bowen, Darts, '...and Bulley's special prize', and all that). I muttered to Graham in a strong northern accent (sorry if you don't get the reference) 'Oh, it's anoother speed boot'. Sorry Graham, and everyone else at the meeting.

To be honest, it's not my fault that I'm in a good mood for a change. Put it down to some text messages that I have been receiving lately, many of them to do with NTC. Apparently my paperwork system is useful (although that's not nearly half the reason for my good mood).

ERNIE UPDATE: After telling the garage yesterday to expect him, he still hasn't started. He came pretty close to day, and at one point I thought I had him. But no, no ignition. I have his engine wrapped in hession sacks to try and warm it up, in the hopes of success tomorrow. I'm not going to hold my breath though - the battery's getting pretty flat now...

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