Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I think that might have been a mistoke...

Sally hew clanging lust obe latter on tach ward teally corks un that I an prying bo ray! Tor examtle, 'string winds' instoad if 'strong winds'. Thunks tor mointing thet oot Sian.

Just a quick brain-teaser for Monday's post (because bugger all happenned). If you can work out what the above says (and no it's not some sort of old dead Latin), why not proove it by putting it in a comment. I'll reveal the corrupt answer tomorrow.

Also, I didn't really write this post in an attempt to avoid doing any work...


Anonymous said...

OMG i can and you are a sick man Andy Clarke!

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say i made it in again woop woop!

Anonymous said...

Can i have a mention every day please?

Anonymous said...

And can it be more interesting next time?