I'm not a grinch, but I'm beginning to find Christmas less and less fun. My main reason for my dislike of this festive time of year, is that it completely disrupts my life. As self-centred as that may sound, it does mean that I have to spend more time at home. And it kills me having nothing to do.
But I'm not a complete hum bug. My car for example, is not an average car. It would therefore be criminal for me to completely disregard it at this merry time of year. The first year that I had Ernie, I decorated him quite subtly with a small piece of blue tinsel accross the dash board. Last year I inherited a set of 12v (run off the cigar lighter) fairy lights. And when I say 'fairy', I mean 'fairy' in the Brighton sense if you know what I mean. After all, the lights are pink! But they were free, so I'm not complaining.
This year, I have added a string in the back, to hang all of my Christmas cards on. I have some pegs on the string, so that the cards don't migrate to the centre of the string. This allows me to have some rear visibility. Excellent - so that's not a distraction to driving at all then... I'd love to show you some photos, but as my phone is bug*ered again, I can't.
It's a good job that I have that string up really. Working in a school provides a number of dangers. One is that fact that you are constantly at risk of catching the lurgy currently floating around the school. Another is that you are likely to recieve half of the Amazon rainforest in Christmas Cards. No really - I've lost count! To make matters worse, I've opened some cards, and I haven't got the faintest clue who's written. That's the problem with working accross several different classes - it's difficult to remember 150 chlidren's names.
One thing that I won't miss from my busy week is hearing a cadet band play Christmas tunes. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over... Don't get me wrong. The award winning band of TS Sturdy play the tunes very well. They just get a bit tiresome. Especially bleedin' 'Little Donkey'! That tune drives me mad!!! It's at times like that, I wish my hearing didn't work.
And talking of things not working, it's not just my phone that's on the fritz. The radio in my car is also non-operational. Today, after being bored of listening to silence for three weeks, I decide to investigate the problem. After some technical inspections, I found that the sound system is fine, but the radio itself isn't outputting any sound. With my top rate skills, and using some very technical engineering techniques (I hit the unit several times), I found that I was unable to rectify the problem. So I am now looking for a new unit. Ironically, I do have a new radio, but no key code for it. Damn.
Everything is winding down now at school. On Friday we hired in some people to show us (and the kids I suppose) a movie. Well, not being one to shirk on my responsibilities, I of course reviewed the movie, for all my faithful readers. The film was Ratatouille (if that's spelt right). It's all about a Rat that loves to cook. Typical isn't it - even a cartoon rat can cook better than I. Anyways, it was an entertaining film, with the real meaning being all about racial acceptance. I give this film an ammusing 4 Escorts out of 5.

4 Escorts out of 5 - a suprisingly entertaining film for all the family.
This Friday also saw the second and third of five Christmas parties. The first was several weeks ago, care of TS Sturdy. It was a fantastic meal, and my sincere thanks go to Robin E for organising it - very tasty. The second was the NTC cadet's party. One of my most trusted senior cadets happens to be very good at organising these sorts of events, and so she did. And a brilliant job too, I might add.
But the most fun event so far was Friday evening. Informal drinks at a colleague's house. Unfortunatly, because I know that some of the students at our school have found this blog I can't say who was there or why, or even much of what happenned, despite the fact that there are some great stories. But as with every social occasion, it didn't take long for the topic of conversation to turn to my 'love life' or lack there of. Yet again, this group of friends took it upon themselves to suggest ways that I could rectify this problem.
So I would just like to clear things up. I have tried every method that I feel is available to me to start a relationship. I have failed at all attempts, and I just don't care any more. If someone is crazy enough to want a relationship with me, then they can bloomin' well ask. I just don't care anymore. But as we eventually decided upon at this Christmas party - I'm far too busy anyway, so I'm not going to worry about it.
Well, next week's post will be leading us into that final Christmas week. So watch out for what I am hoping is becoming a CATCOUK tradition. Coming next week - the 12 days of CATCOUK-mas.
If you don't bother reading before the big day next week, have a good one, especially my guest writers, and participants of various different CATCOUK posts, from the whole team here at CATCOUK (well okay, me).
If you like Christmas, and think that I am a scrooge, why not leave a comment.
If you don't like Christmas, don't think you're the same as me - I'll get into it around 2358 on Monday 24th December.
Quote of the week: 'So I said, 'Try using talcum powder'.' I wish I could explain that quote...
"I'm far too busy anyway" Pah! What a pathetic excuse, try this,when you see someone you really like go and steal a kiss it's the perfect time of year as long as you can produce some mistletoe you shouldn't get into too much trouble. If they look like they might slap you smile that lovely smile, if that fails to save your a*** RUN!!!!!!!!!!
Hey ClarkeFace,
Howz life going? - Stupid question as you have just written about it.
Let me know your schedule for the next few weeks, as your have to come and check out my Crawley Penthouse.
Aha you do live! I was beginning to get worried...
My work computer seems to have had a rather large misbehaviour and has been pretending you haven't updated your blog for weeks... which apparently isn't true
Glad to see you're still with us :)
And Christmas sucks, thats just the way it is!!
You forgot to kiss it and say a prayer... the radio if you hit something you have to do the other two, works every time well maybe not.
Re your lovelife how about an older woman? you must be surrounded by them and you never know a bit of illicit snogging may just brighten their day!
Just a thought.
One more thing why don't you comment on your comments, how do we know if we made you laugh or cry?
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