Well, I have spent two happy terms at my favourite Worthing based (and unamed for professional reasons) middle school. I am very pleased to say that after applying, I have been accepted on a Graduate Teacher Programme trainee placement at the good ol' University of Chichester (it's good to go home). Basically, I learn to be a teacher, and instead of paying the university, the government pay them. And better than that, I get all of my tax back (and some of yours) when I get my unpaid teacher salary! Bonanza!
But I digress. Today at [the unamed school] was both a sad, and a happy day. Today was the day that our beloved head teacher, of 18 years, retired. In the sincerest tone possible to convey with the written word, David, we will all miss you, and we wish you a long and happy retirement walking and gardening. I had been told to be in the staffroom at 0845 this morning (no great struggle, I'm usually in at 0835-40ish). But despite leaving home early, I git stuck behind every idiot driver on the road (not to mention waiting for the slowest rubbish lorry on the planet). I arrived just in time to hear clapping, join in, and then ask "Morning Karen, why am I clapping?" I was very annoyed.
Positively though, for the past few weeks I have been developing a website for my friend David Adams, to help raise his profile as a musician. Last week, in the knowledge that I don't drink, Dave brought a gift into school as a thank you - a bottle of excellent vintage - Ribena. But today, Dave gave me a second, and frankly awesome, gift. I wear funky T-shirts to school every day (it is something of a trademark now). Dave had prodiced a Superman T-shirt for me, No, that's a lie, it was superman, with my head on, and read SUPERCLARKE Forever! Thanks Dave, you didn't have to, but that is amazing!
Also on the plus side, it was house day, and I lead a 'movie making' masterclass. I was very proud of the children, who, despite the large number of technical difficulties causing me stress, produced 4 fantastic movies. I wish I could show you them (because they really are a giggle - I haven't turned into a total child working idiot), but child protection and all that. Fortunately, I can show you one. The video produced by myself, and my Teaching Assisting buddies, David Adams ESQ and Jason Button ESQ. Of course, we only made it so that we had an example to inspire the children. ABSOLUTELY NO FUN WAS HAD PRODUCING THIS MOVIE.
So, encompassing several firsts for CAT-TDY Productions (first silent movie; first movie not including Ernie - the car park was full, so he couldn't pretend to be a DeLorea-Escort; first use of CGI special effects!), please sit back and watch another movie (yes, that would be four minutes of your life gone):
I also made a little movie in January, when Ernie decided to not start on the starter motor. As it turned out, there was a hidden kill switch that my good friend Michael's shoe lace had caght (after several days of getting people to push start me, a man from the AA found the bizarre switch). Maybe I felt a little silly, but on the brightside, I can now claim to have an imobiliser on my 1986 1.4 Ford Escort GL in Champagne Gold. Anywaysm here's a little film parody.
I hope that you lot are all well, and I really hope that you find something more exciting to do than constantly re-reading this nonsense... love you all!
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